Michigan State University Retirees Association

Spartan Senior Schedule for 2014-2015

Al LeBlanc, Editor

Which issue?

Goes to whom in paper copy?

Intended size

Deadline for content

Use this issue to announce all events occurring after


Both paid and unpaid

4 pp

July 25, 2014

Aug. 22, 2014

October Expanded Edition

Paid only

12 - 16 pp

Sept. 19

Oct. 17


Paid only

4 pp

Oct. 10

Nov. 7


Paid only

4 pp

Dec. 12

Jan. 9, 2015

February – March Expanded Edition

Paid only

12 - 16 pp

Jan. 9, 2015

Feb. 6


Paid only

4 pp

Mar. 6

Apr. 3


Paid only

4 pp

May 29, 2015

July 3, 2015

Where to send content: E-mail content to aleblanc@msu.edu.

No more international versus local editions: The practice of sending international editions to our far-away subscribers and local editions only to those within a 50 mile radius of East Lansing was discontinued at the start of 2014. We will now publish only a “combined” edition which will go out in paper copy to all paid subscribers who request paper. We will publish extended editions (more than 4 pages) in October and April. An electronic copy of the newsletter can always be viewed free of charge at the MSURA web site.

The “in your mailbox” date: We have no control over the U. S. Postal Service and therefore have made no estimates over when the printed edition will arrive in anyone’s mailbox. Of course, the electronic version will always be available considerably earlier than the printed version, usually two to three weeks earlier. We have been advised that we must allow 14 days (10 work days) for delivery after our printed and mail prepped copies arrive at the East Lansing post office. Holidays and political campaign mailings make it take longer.

Size of each issue: We give the intended size above. It is possible to expand the size an already large printed issue without greatly increasing the cost of printing, but it is very costly to go from 4 to 8 pages. If less material is available for an expanded edition by our deadline, we will publish a smaller issue.

Editor’s travel schedule: The Editor is a retired man and he and his wife occasionally travel. The Editor’s travel is not planned one year in advance. The Editor will deal with this as previous Editors have, by working on the newsletter before his departure and after his return. It may sometimes be necessary to have a guest editor.