------------------------------------------- Make SURE "Format > Word Wrap" is NOT set in Notepad ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ copy & paste into Microsoft Word and run a SPELL-CHECK ------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- click on every URL to be sure that it works "as typed" -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- in Gmail, use "Rich formatting" 8-25-11 -- make item titles bold -- make section titles bold & centered -- first line of paragraphs indented 5 spaces -- no blank line between paragraphs within a given item -- do not put URLs on a separate line -- get rid of underscore-line separators -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Subject: MSU Retirees -- e-Notices, 6/26/12 ------------------------------------------- ________________ MSU Retirees Association Events & Announcements ________________ MSURA's Summer 2012 "Spartan Senior" newsletter is available online: http://retirees.msu.edu/Newsletters.html ________ Are you receiving more than one copy of e-Notices via email? If so, that may mean (a) we have more than one email address for you and/or (b) you have set email from one of your accounts (perhaps your "official" MSU account) to auto-forwarded every incoming message to another account (in which case, you may receive a copy of e-Notices in both accounts). If you do receive more than one copy of e-Notices, please send us all of the email addresses that are involved and let us know which ONE address you want us to use for e-Notices. You must supply us with all of the email addresses that you use so that we can get the extra addresses deleted from our database, except for the ONE email address that you want us to use for e-Notices. If you have any variation of an "@MSU.EDU" address, be sure to include that one (HR only stores your official "@MSU.EDU" address). Thank you. Please send the requested information to the e-Notices List Manager at: msura.List.Manager@gmail.com ________________ Other MSU Events & Announcements ________________ MSU photos posted 6/22/12: http://photos.msu.edu/p601113339 ________________ Community Events & Announcements ________________ Alzheimer's related resources in mid-Michigan: Alzheimer's Association, Michigan Great Lakes Chapter: http://www.alz.org/mglc ________________ Contemplation ________________ "Humor is not a mood but a way of looking at the world." (Ludwig Wittgenstein) "You can't test courage cautiously." (Annie Dillard) "In a democracy... good will without competence, and competence without good will, are both equivalent formulas for political disaster." (Theodore H. White) "The flood of money that gushes into politics today is a pollution of democracy." (Theodore H. White) ________________ Laugh, Smile, Enjoy ________________ "I recently turned 60. Practically a third of my life is over." (Woody Allen) "I've always believed in the adage that the secret of eternal youth is arrested development." (Alice Roosevelt Longworth) "Old age is a special problem for me because I’ve never been able to shed the mental image I have of myself -- a lad of about 19." (E. B. White) ________________ Selected Updates from MSURA on Twitter (you do NOT need a Twitter account to view these items): http://twitter.com/MSURetireesAsso ________________ 6/25: Have you requested your free credit report (Equifax). 6/22: Which spread is better for your heart — butter or margarine (Mayo Clinic). 6/22: Is vegetable juice as good as whole vegetables for meeting the number of recommended servings a day (Mayo Clinic). 6/20: Could your food choices be making you tired (Harvard Med Sch). 6/16: What are probiotics and what do they do (Harvard Med Sch). 6/16: The average restaurant meal today is more than four times larger than in the 1950s (Mayo Clinic). 6/16: Does the 4% rule for retirement withdrawals make sense (CNN). ________________ Miscellaneous ________________ Twitter: http://twitter.com/MSURetireesAsso and Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MSURetirees To unsubscribe from e-Notices or to change your e-mail address, send your request to the e-Notices List Manager at MSURA.List.Manager@gmail.com MSU Retirees Association, Michigan State University, 22 Nisbet Building, East Lansing, MI 48823. Phone (517) 353-7896, email: msura@msu.edu and web site: http://www.retirees.msu.edu Gordon Williams, MSURA List Server Manager (en1210) ________________